‘The notion of separation is our biggest delusion’
Eckhart Tolle
How many of us feel like we’re different, we don’t fit in or don’t belong. Funnily enough, I think at some point in everyone’s lives they have felt like this so most people can relate to these feelings and there is a commonality to our concerns.
I have had struggles with this in my own life. Returning to playground politics in recent years highlighted to me that I’d never fully dealt with that statement of feeling different and not belonging. So, I joined groups and left groups to try and hone in on what would fulfil me but ultimately being comfortable with who you are is something that no one else can validate. It has also really helped me to work in a company that I believe in and finally feel a true sense of camaraderie and belonging.
Many of us blend in and hide amongst groups that don’t fulfil us because the fear of not belonging is so strong and so primal in a lot of ways that to not do so is to be cast aside or left to fend for yourself.
That is why K.A.G. believe so strongly that hosting quarterly Women in Business Events for women in male dominated industries and sponsoring fundraising events for our chosen local charity Help Harry Help others matter so much. It is about finding connection and similarities in our differences and working towards a common objective that brings us together.
Call 0121 828 1931 or DM me for further information on our events and services.